Monday, June 2, 2014

Pre-flight Check

These are just the notes I jotted down quickly as I was getting ready to begin the trip the other day. I'm here now in damp Belgrade. I'll try to get down more of what has been an interesting trip later tonight.

8:00 PM (UTC -7h)
Just getting back in from getting my computer at work, which I forgot as I left. So this trip isn't exactly starting off great. There are a million things that I need to do yet. I guess it's okay because I am probably going to end up pulling an all-nighter, but at least that may get me on track with the time change. So I am just going to take a few minutes here and there and do a little writing in between doing chores. Hopefully it will help keep me motivated and on track rather than be a distraction.

So far I've picked up my prescription to make sure I have enough pills that I don't lose my sanity on this trip. I picked up a few other things at the store as well, travel sized stuff. Now I'm off to at least begin packing. There is probably still some laundry that needs to be finished. Blah.

9:22 PM
All packed for over two weeks in Europe into one small roller bag. Doesn't hurt that laundry will be available and that the weather should be warm. Just need to figure out what goes into the little plastic bags, since I usually check my toiletries and the only liquid I carry on are those little booze shooters. Such a professional packer that I rewarded myself with a beer. It's like I'm old hat at this.

11:23 PM
I got a few other things accomplished... just some things that needed doing before I left. Now I think I am off to see Jen at Copper. I just don't want this to be the end of things for tonight, as I am on a pretty good roll. I have things pretty much wrapped up now, though, until I can get to work outside on some things.

9:55 AM
Well, that worked out just about the way I expected it to. Couple more beers and that was it for the entire night, though I did get a few more things crossed off my to-do list. T-minus one hour now before I head to the airport. I'm otta sign off for now. Maybe I'll have time to write something in Minneapolis. I go from there through Paris and then to Belgrade by noonish tommorow.

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